

Package Description:Got an awesome new domain name for your website but another domain name is already in place? We can move your website to the new domain or provide any other domain related services.

Package Includes:

  • Connect new domain to your hosting account
  • Update all URLS to use the new domain
  • Redirect all links from old domain to new domain
  • Update SSL security
  • Update all plugins, Thrive and WordPress
  • Test and confirm propagation across the Web

Description is the trusted, affordable partner for website development and Website Maintenance Services tailored to HSR websites and clients. We build the websites HSR sells and are experts with their technology.


Create dynamic, ROI focused websites and provide ethical internet marketing services that generate ROI while exceeding our clients expectations in communication and results.


We developed our approach around 5  core concepts:
  • Study your website and identify your business goals
  • Target your audience
  • Understand your online competitors
  • Provide effective, ethical “white hat”, quality Internet services
  • Provide personalized and consistent communication


It’s All About Getting You ROI! As you can see by the name of the company, ROI for your .com is critical to us. We use a balanced approach that focuses on short term gains in ROI and achieving long term goals.